RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
TP: 11189 H 06666 3/4 DVB-S/QPSK/,RAI 34.2 Mbps
CaID=0x2600 SID=0x0001 VPID=0x0200 APID=0x1010 PMT=0x0100 PCR=0x0200 TID=0x0001 NID=0x0001 ProvID=0x000000 ECM PID=0x1FFF
HEX: 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01
DEC: 016 000 000 001 000 000 001 001
*Key Formats Modified By eniz9
*For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
2600:000001:0000000000:0200:1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For CCcam & Newcamd (constant.cw):
2600:000000:0001:0100:1FFF::10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
B 0001 00 10000001000001011000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For GBox (softcam.cfg):
0: { 26 00 00 01 { 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 }} #RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
F 00011FFF 00 1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
F 00011FFF 01 1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For incubusCamd (Softcam.Key):
B 0001 1FFF 100000000001 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For scam (constcw) {for older cvs}
C: { 00462BB5 0001 0001 0001 0200 { 1000000100000101 1000000100000101 }} ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For scam (constcw) {for newer cvs}
C: { 00462BB5 0001 0001 0001 0200 { 1000000100000101 1000000100000101 }} ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For SS2 (dcw.file):
*For V sid Plugin (dcw.file):
RaiITA100B (7.0°E) 1 1 256 1000000100000101
*For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key):
X 2600 0001 0200 10000001000001011000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Metabox 6 and 7:
D 2600:000000:0001:0100:1FFF::1000000100000101 ; RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For T-REX & Dragon Cam (dcw.txt):
F 2600:0001:0200:10000001000001011000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Diablo Cam (to import with Fausto):
2600:000001:FF:07:[1000000100000101]; RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
2600:000001:FF:06:[1000000100000101]; RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For DigitAll World (dcw.file):
B 0001:0001:0200:1010:100000010000010110000001000001 01 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Next 2010 CIS Tiger HD (softcam.kèy):
X 2600 0001 2BB5 10000001000001011000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Opticum HD (Softcam.key & upd)
X 2600 0001 0200 10000001000001011000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E) 11189 H 06666 3/4
*For Clarke-Tech (SoftCam.Key):
; 11189:06666:H 10000001000001011000000100000101 ; RaiITA100B (007.0°E) 2600 0001 0200 <12.11.2012 20:05:07>
*For Amstrad HD-Botech-Tiger-StreamX & Next 19500Superior HD (KU BAND):
B 1FFF 11189:06666:H:007:0001 1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Next 2000SuperPlus-HDTV-Dobratech (Keyfile):
B 1FFF 11189:06666:H:0001 1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For OctagonSFx18 USB & HD Biss CW XXX (Keyfile):
B 1FFF 11189:06666:H 1000000100000101 #RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Vantage-Edison-He@d-NanoXX-Octagon-HD-IBM-FergusonFX-Jepssen & Clone (SoftCam.Key):
2600 000001 Odd Control Word FF 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 : RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
2600 000001 Even Control Word FF 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 : RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For All Amiko SSD-HD-Edision HD & Opticum HD (Keyfile):
26|00|000001|Odd |FF|10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 |11189|RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
26|00|000001|Even |FF|10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 |11189|RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Baff HD-Truman & Yumatu HD (Keyfile):
26|00|000001|Key8|00|10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 |11189|RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Neta-Troya2 (Keyfile):
X 2600 11189:H:S00.0E:0001 10000001000001010000000000000000 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Cristor & ILLusion (dcw.file):
0001 0200 1000000100000101 ; RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Arion-Continental-Ferguson-Houston-TERMAL-OLIMPIA (Auc & Irk):
069 BISS 000001 00 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Azbox (Keyfile):
RaiITA100B (7.0°E) |00 1F FF| |00| 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01
*For AL7bar-Astrovox-Botech-Strom-Commander-Echostar-Interstar-Next5000-7500-Strong4404 kbn (Keyfile):
1000 BISS RaiITA100B (7.0°E) 011189 0F 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01
*For Humax & Samsung (Key.bin):
2BB5 0100 100000000001 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Kaon & Sunny Series (Fixed.cw):
F 000000 00 1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Yumatu (Fixed.cw):
2600 0001 11189 Key 00 1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Optibox & GoldMaster Fortis (Fixed.cw):
Service[0x0001] 00 1000000100000101 ;RaiITA100B (7.0°E)
*For Openbox (Fixed.cw):
10 00 00 00 00 01 ; RaiITA100B (7.0°E)